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The Jesus MeetUp 

"Lucifer Rebellion: Then and Now"

Week #40

The Jesus MeetUp                             Lucifer Rebellion: Then and Now                           Week #40


A brief synopses of the Lucifer Rebellion, which is now over!


About 200,000 years ago the poison of pride entered into Lucifer’s mind. He fell in love with himself. He chose to declare himself Sovereign ruler. He blasphemously declared that there was NO Paradise Father. [What a Loser!!!]

43:4.6 The traitorous Lucifer, onetime sovereign of Satania, in announcing his claims to increased jurisdiction, sought to displace all superior orders of sonship in the governmental plan of the local universe. He purposed in his heart, saying: "I will exalt my throne above the Sons of God; I will sit upon the mount of assembly in the north; I will be like the Most High."
























From one who knows whereof they speak.


“The Lucifer rebellion has caused much damage to the planet and its inhabitants. The pattern caused by the rebellion is entrenched in every facet of society, government, and business. How can this be repaired? We are in a time of correcting this.  


If a building is rotten and each timber is filled with termites, then by what means can it be restored? It must come down and must be restructured – from the foundation, up. I speak of calamity and chaos of a non-spiritual basis, on a global scale – not just economically, or even politically, but in every area of human living. It is not a time of anxiety, no, but take joy in seeing a higher viewpoint in Father’s work at hand, that he hasn’t left this world entrenched in the effects of the Lucifer rebellion.


If like at present, wherein neighbor cannot truly trust his neighbor, then can he feel protection from his neighbor? If an element of threat exists, then is one justified in protecting himself and family from his neighbor? Did the Master take steps and precautions to keep Himself and family from harm’s way? So much of this worlds’ society ailments are caused by the fear of one another, and the expenses of defense and warfare.


If the "golden rule" were lived in every heart – replacing the present system of fear, self-defense, and serving for self-gain, then what?


The Reserve Corps has been activated and cannot be stopped; Michael has decreed it. For a time, you may see the world in much chaos, yes, but on our side, we see this chaos as a brief moment of needed repair. Much of what will occur in correction, and its timing, will depend on how those individuals involved in this Correcting Time respond to their Thought Adjusters.


"What can I do to prepare?" you ask. Ask this on a spiritual plane, and then you will know your part on a physical plane. The following three steps are paramount for your present development:


One- To make a sincere effort on a moment-to-moment basis, day by day, to live the golden rule. Not to expect yourself to be perfect, or to lose faith in your imperfect selves at those moments of apparent failures, no! but to have as your goal, first and foremost, the striving for perfection [to become more and more like God].


Two- To re-read the Urantia Book again with your new spiritual eyes; and in light of your learning and experiences thus far, to find the new meanings and insights in the Urantia Book.


Three- In each person you meet, make an earnest and sincere evaluation of that person’s spiritual contact or degree of enlightenment. Understand your role as an effective ambassador for Jesus.


Work hard on these things. Find yourself a stranger each day to start with, and do your part to bring enlightenment and the Father’s love to His children.” ~ Daynal


The Lucifer rebellion injected all things negative into our planetary existence.


This has delayed our goals for Light and Life on our world. Light and Life is simply the planetary community’s desire for Father’s will. All communities are comprised of individuals. Insomuch as a planetary delay has occurred, the individual’s progress has not been touched in the slightest. This is absolutely attributed to the indwelling of our own Thought Adjusters [fragments of God that dwell within our minds] and the Spirit of Truth which Jesus gave to each one of us. If we desire to help then our first task is to attain God.




















Greetings, this is Marin.


When I first heard about the Lucifer rebellion it scared me. I didn’t understand it but I could definitely see it all around me. The anger, jealously, hatred, deceit, greed and folly that seemed to get worse and worse with each passing year. I felt angry and confused. As a Christian pastor and church founder I wanted answers. No. I demanded answers from God and He did not disappoint me. Over time, as I asked more and more questions I recognized that spiritual answers were coming...over time. Eventually, I found The Urantia Book and everything began to fall into place as I understood this spiritual history of our world. I used to have my own little pity party through the years, whining about how hard and unhappy everything was. Since my spiritual education in this area I am now not only free from fear or dread over this, but I have become joyous that I ‘Got To’ be in this life situation for the many blessings far outweigh the struggles. Actually, the challenges of living on a world with spiritual rebellion repercussions will provide me the opportunity for greater service later on in my own personal spiritual career. Yes, indeed. I am thankful and the better for this. So may you be!


54:6.6 At first the Lucifer upheaval appeared to be an unmitigated calamity to the system and to the universe. Gradually benefits began to accrue. With the passing of twenty-five thousand years of system time (twenty thousand years of Urantia time), the Melchizedeks began to teach that the good resulting from Lucifer's folly [love of self] had come to equal the evil incurred. The sum of evil had by that time become almost stationary, continuing to increase only on certain isolated worlds, while the beneficial repercussions continued to multiply and extend out through the universe and superuniverse, even to Havona. The Melchizedeks now teach that the good resulting from the Satania rebellion is more than a thousand times the sum of all the evil.[This numbered tally was in 1945ish]
















Do we not grow as a result of struggles?


54:6.3 If an affectionate father of a large family chooses to show mercy to one of his children guilty of grievous wrongdoing, it may well be that the extension of mercy to this misbehaving child will work a temporary hardship upon all the other and well-behaved children. Such eventualities are inevitable; such a risk is inseparable from the reality situation of having a loving parent and of being a member of a family group. Each member of a family profits by the righteous conduct of every other member; likewise must each member suffer the immediate time-consequences of the misconduct of every other member. Families, groups, nations, races, worlds, systems, constellations, and universes are relationships of association which possess individuality; and therefore does every member of any such group, large or small, reap the benefits and suffer the consequences of the right-doing and the wrongdoing of all other members of the group concerned.


And from our Father/Brother...


“Be not afraid. I am with you. This is not to cause you anxiety. You know me well and I am not to be feared. Many times mortals have dropped to the ground in worshipful respect. I ask you to stand and speak with me as your Brother/Father.


For ages, men have twisted my message which was to be very simple. Over the centuries I have endeavored to untwist my message; and naturally, it is beginning to show forth the fruits. I am aware that I appear to be far from my mortal children. This is because my mortal children are perceiving me in that way.


 Years ago I had given my promise that the inhabitants of this world would be assisted by my Spirit having been poured out upon the flesh of all, regardless of one’s life status, life circumstances. I am here. I am here now. And whether you choose to know me is absolutely your choice. Whether or not your faith can withstand my assistance is entirely your decision. I assist you because I am. I love you because you are.


Our Father has made all things possible and they are set right before you; this is not to entice you into the kingdom, this is to aid you in not stumbling over me or my Father. To know me is to know our Father. To learn of my faith is to create a handrail to assist you in your steps of spiritual education.


I say with sovereign authority of Nebadon, I live amongst you now. I walk with you now. I am without the fetters of material form; this is why I can assist this world as a whole. Why do some wait for my feet to make prints in the Earth when I live amidst you, now. Our kingdom goes forth, now! it has always been so, it will always be so. I pray that my mortal children would not choose to stumble over me when I am here now.


This is not a world of darkness anymore; not a world without divine assistance, guidance; not a world left to reap the harvest of evil. This is a small world that has journeyed naturally, as has many worlds in our universe; it is a world of remarkable beauty and goodness. I have deep affection for this small, but nonetheless, valued world. I have deep and abiding faith within you each. I am certain of your own affection for your world, that it is true.


I have asked you to love one another, as I have loved you. Therein, lies the key to the door of universal meanings and values. Love is power, has a power unlike any power. Love is the answer to all questions. Love remains the single most significant proof that I am, that my Father is, and that you are.


I shall continue my close contact with you each if it is in your desire. I shall continue to look out over the land and continue to pour out my Spirit. I ask you to wait not for my feet to stand upon the Earth but to walk with me now, spirit to spirit. My peace I leave with you; and always, my unfailing love. Children, carry on.” ~ Jesus
















To our individual and personal pursuit of Light and Life. ~ the group at God Discovered


Questions to discuss:

1. How can you help with the recovery from the Lucifer rebellion?

2. How does our Father want you to feel about this long-standing problem?

3. Do you feel discouraged or encouraged by this new information? Why?


Next week we discuss the lesson of There Is No Hell! Week # 41

For further personal study of the history of the Lucifer rebellion we refer you to Papers 53 and 54.

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