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Purpose statement: Lifting Jesus up so that He may draw all people to Himself.  Promoting our indwelling Father fragment who has the power to transcend our minds into spiritualized thinking through His dominant love.

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Introduction to Journey To The Father /The Urantia Book

Statement Of Beliefs

Downloadable audios of every Paper of Journey To The Father /The Urantia Book

Journey To The Father /The Urantia Book in pdf form

Journey to the Father /The Urantia Book - Table of Contents

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This Book is a Journey To The Father!


The Urantia Book is the 5th epochal revelation of God to mankind. The last part of the book (part 4) is the full and accurate teachings of Jesus as dictated by those who were present with first-hand knowledge, and emphasizes that Jesus is the front door to our Father. There is no side entrance!


What is most vital for us in this mortal life is to follow His instructions for ‘feeding His lambs’. The early parts of the book provide treasured revelatory (immediate) information to encourage us insomuch as we are living on a world still suffering from an age-old spiritual rebellion.


We are not orphaned by God: He loves us dearly and offers each a grand purpose for a life fulfilled all thru our Journey to Him!


Those of us in God Discovered serve Jesus, and are available should you choose to reach out to us.


Blessings to you and yours as you discover God by faith and personal attainment in worship!



Journey To The Father

(The Urantia Book)


Statement of Beliefs


1) We believe in the Universal Father, God of all creation, and in His equal Trinity associates, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit.


2) We believe Jesus Christ (Christ Michael) was the son of God, born to us in flesh on his seventh bestowal to show mortal beings the path to the Father. He was crucified and buried on our world; then rose from the dead and ascended into heaven to be our personal spiritual companion forever and Sovereign of our local Universe.


3) We believe that the Urantia Book describes the true fifth epochal revelation to mankind on our planet being preceded by: the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the advent of Melchizedek, the bestowal of Adam and Eve, and the arrival of Caligastia who fell in spiritual rebellion.


4) We believe the Father has placed a piece of himself, a Thought Adjuster, in every human mind as the connection to be with Him: Communing with Him in worship as personal spiritual experience is the path to growing our soul towards the eternal decisions of doing the Father's will, which is salvation.


5) We believe in the Fatherhood of God to every person, and the Brotherhood of Man between all of His Children.


6) We believe science, philosophy, and religion are compatible to further reveal God's Infinite and eternal purpose and are all useful in uncovering the underlying truth, beauty, and goodness in all His creations.


7) We believe in spiritual unity towards His purpose, even amongst a diversity of human endeavor to that goal.

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Shown below are mp3 audio files of the book as well as a pdf download. You may find, like we did, that listening to the book is one of the best ways to absorb the many phrases that the Revelators use. Also below is an excellent book search engine website.

Search Engine for the book: is a good research resource.

Anchor 4

Here is a pdf of the full book.

This has a handy index to all Four Parts and 196 papers.

Anchor 3
UB.080.Andite Expansion In The Occident - Archangel
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UB.091.The Evolution Of Prayer - Archangel
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