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Easter Service Cue Sheet for Leaders


The Lord's Supper Observed

The Jesus MeetUp       In Truth He Has Risen    Week #13


If we have seen the son then we have seen the father.


We are so thankful that our Revelators and our Midwayers have given to us this first hand dictation of how Jesus really lived, what Jesus really said and exactly what He did? We now know far more about what He intended for us as children of our living God who indwells all of us. He longs to know and love us and to be known and loved in return. Our father needs no blood shed in order for Him to forgive our sins or mistakes. We are already forgiven. Jesus said this many times as He healed people or set people free as we saw in the woman caught in adultery. What Jesus is offering to us is the understanding that we can connect with make personal contact with God in our own personal spiritual experiences in private worship and as we lovingly serve each other.


We have been given real and abiding spiritual freedom. Think of this: You are FREE to walk in total forgiveness, complete acceptance. You have the ability to grow from the inside out because it is God himself who is causing you to grow. You need NO human man or woman to come in between you and your Father, or you and Jesus, to interpret anything for you. Is this not GOOD NEWS!!!


Creator sons [Jesus’ order of being] have many unique abilities. Not only can they, and do they NEED to become every order of being in their created universes in order to rule compassionately but they can also “pour out their spirits upon all flesh”.  This we know occurred for us on our world on the Day of Pentecost. Jesus’ Spirit – His Spirit of Truth is here now and living within you and all of your other brothers and sisters on our planet. These Creator Sons can also lay down their lives and take their lives back up again at will. [189:0.1] This is what we see on that Friday when Jesus went willingly up on a Roman cross in order to show us something. So, what was it that He wanted us to see?


We know what He wasn’t doing.


The Meaning of His Death on the Cross:

188:4.1 Although Jesus did not die this death on the cross to atone for the racial guilt of mortal man nor to provide some sort of effective approach to an otherwise offended and unforgiving God; even though the Son of Man did not offer himself as a sacrifice to appease the wrath of God and to open the way for sinful man to obtain salvation; notwithstanding that these ideas of atonement and propitiation are erroneous, nonetheless, there are significance-s attached to this death of Jesus on the cross which should not be overlooked. It is a fact that Urantia has become known among other neighboring inhabited planets as the “World of the Cross.”

188:4.2 Jesus desired to live a full mortal life in the flesh on Urantia. Death is, ordinarily, a part of life. Death is the last act in the mortal drama. In your well-meant efforts to escape the superstitious errors of the false interpretation of the meaning of the death on the cross, you should be careful not to make the great mistake of failing to perceive the true significance and the genuine import of the Master’s death.

188:4.3 Mortal man was never the property of the arch-deceivers. Jesus did not die to ransom man from the clutch of the apostate rulers and fallen princes of the spheres. The Father in heaven never conceived of such crass injustice as damning a mortal soul because of the evil-doing of his ancestors. Neither was the Master’s death on the cross a sacrifice which consisted in an effort to pay God a debt which the race of mankind had come to owe him.

188:4.4 Before Jesus lived on earth, you might possibly have been justified in believing in such a God, but not since the Master lived and died among your fellow mortals. Moses taught the dignity and justice of a Creator God; but Jesus portrayed the love and mercy of a heavenly Father.


Jesus chose to go through the indignation of the midnight trials, the accusation of the mob and Pilate’s cruel decree of death, the experience of the cross and expiration of His life for extremely important reasons.


These lessons from the Cross are:


188:5.1 The cross of Jesus portrays the full measure of the supreme devotion of the true shepherd for even the unworthy members of his flock. It forever places all relations between God and man upon the family basis. God is the Father; man is his son. Love, the love of a father for his son, becomes the central truth in the universe relations of Creator and creature — not the justice of a king which seeks satisfaction in the sufferings and punishment of the evil-doing subject.

188:5.2 The cross forever shows that the attitude of Jesus toward sinners was neither condemnation nor con-donation, but rather eternal and loving salvation. Jesus is truly a savior in the sense that his life and death do win men over to goodness and righteous survival. Jesus loves men so much that his love awakens the response of love in the human heart. Love is truly contagious and eternally creative. Jesus’ death on the cross exemplifies a love which is sufficiently strong and divine to forgive sin and swallow up all evil-doing [think Judas and Pilate and His momentary cowardingg apostles]. Jesus disclosed to this world a higher quality of righteousness than justice — mere technical right and wrong. Divine love does not merely forgive wrongs; it absorbs and actually destroys them. The forgiveness of love utterly transcends the forgiveness of mercy. Mercy sets the guilt of evil-doing to one side; but love destroys forever the sin and all weakness resulting therefrom. Jesus brought a new method of living to Urantia. He taught us not to resist evil but to find through him a goodness which effectually destroys evil. The forgiveness of Jesus is not con-donation; it is salvation from condemnation. Salvation does not slight wrongs; it makes them right. True love does not compromise nor condone hate; it destroys it. The love of Jesus is never satisfied with mere forgiveness. The Master’s love implies rehabilitation, eternal survival. It is altogether proper to speak of salvation as redemption if you mean this eternal rehabilitation. [And this is NOT the invented atonement doctrine created by Paul, who never served or lived with Jesus.]

188:5.3 Jesus, by the power of his personal love for men, could break the hold of sin and evil. He thereby set men free to choose better ways of living. Jesus portrayed a deliverance from the past which in itself promised a triumph for the future. Forgiveness thus provided salvation. The beauty of divine love, once fully admitted to the human heart, forever destroys the charm of sin and the power of evil.

188:5.4 The sufferings of Jesus were not confined to the crucifixion. In reality, Jesus of Nazareth spent upward of twenty-five years on the cross of a real and intense mortal existence. The real value of the cross consists in the fact that it was the supreme and final expression of his love, the completed revelation of his mercy.


188:5.5 On millions of inhabited worlds, tens of trillions of evolving creatures who may have been tempted to give up the moral struggle and abandon the good fight of faith, have taken one more look at Jesus on the cross and then have forged on ahead, inspired by the sight of God’s laying down his incarnate life in devotion to the unselfish service of man.

188:5.6 The triumph of the death on the cross is all summed up in the spirit of Jesus’ attitude toward those who assailed him. He made the cross an eternal symbol of the triumph of love over hate and the victory of truth over evil when he prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” That devotion of love was contagious throughout a vast universe; the disciples caught it from their Master. The very first teacher of his gospel who was called upon to lay down his life in this service, said, as they stoned him to death, “Lay not this sin to their charge.”

188:5.7 The cross makes a supreme appeal to the best in man because it discloses one who was willing to lay down his life in the service of his fellow men. Greater love no man can have than this: that he would be willing to lay down his life for his friends — and Jesus had such a love that he was willing to lay down his life for his enemies, a love greater than any which had hitherto been known on earth.


Now to the fascinating description of the actual resurrection.


189:1.1 At two forty-five Sunday morning, the Paradise incarnation commission, consisting of seven unidentified Paradise personalities, arrived on the scene and immediately deployed themselves about the tomb. At ten minutes before three, intense vibrations of commingled material and morontia activities began to issue from Joseph’s new tomb, and at two minutes past three o’clock, this Sunday morning, April 9, A.D. 30, the resurrected morontia form and personality of Jesus of Nazareth came forth from the tomb.


189:1.2 After the resurrected Jesus emerged from his burial tomb, the body of flesh in which he had lived and wrought on earth for almost thirty-six years was still lying there in the sepulcher niche, undisturbed and wrapped in the linen sheet, just as it had been laid to rest by Joseph and his associates on Friday afternoon. Neither was the stone before the entrance of the tomb in any way disturbed; the seal of Pilate was still unbroken; the soldiers were still on guard. The temple guards had been on continuous duty; the Roman guard had been changed at midnight. None of these watchers suspected that the object of their vigil had risen to a new and higher form of existence, and that the body which they were guarding was now a discarded outer covering which had no further connection with the delivered and resurrected morontia personality of Jesus.

189:1.3 Mankind is slow to perceive that, in all that is personal, matter is the skeleton of morontia, and that both are the reflected shadow of enduring spirit reality. How long before you will regard time as the moving image of eternity and space as the fleeting shadow of Paradise realities?

The Power for us spiritually does not lie in the capabilities of resurrection that only Jesus has as OUR Master/Creator Son, for these are His powers. Our spiritual Powers lay in those loving moral and ethical choices that grow our souls that endure after this mortal life in the flesh has run its course. Our spiritual Powers emerge and burst forth in our lives as rivers of Living Waters that flows from His indwelling spirit – the Vine of Life and our Father’s personality circuit – having as its origin in Paradise and making its chosen destination inside our very minds and hearts as we then “bear much fruit”. Our spiritual Powers are those exact same human Powers that Jesus showed to us as He stood before Pilate unafraid and completely confident in His Father’s loving watch-care. Yes, Jesus died in the flesh but He showed us how to LIVE without doubt or fear and not just in concept or theory but in REALITY!












Rise UP our friends all over our world!




These days should thrill you as men and women have not been thrilled since Jesus lived among them. Only NOW we understand fully what they may have missed somewhat: It is that we can make actual contact with our indwelling Paradise Father and HE can make us into super-human thinkers, super-human lovers and super-humans who TRANSCEND this material existence until, and as we become ONE with Him for all eternity.


To Jesus’ original high spiritual concept – the Father’s will

dominant and transcendent in the heart of the believer.


All our love to you ~ Marin, and the group at God Discovered

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Easter Service Flyer easily changed for another location. Your information can be inserted.

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Jesus True Religion MeetUp flyer directi

Easter Service Program with The Lord's Prayer on the back for a double sided printing.  Created in black/white for the most cost effective printing.  You can get 2 programs with The Lord's Prayer on back with one piece of paper.

[Program to be printed for your Easter event with your name.  Let us know and we will help you with this.]


In Truth He Is Risen


Welcome to The Jesus MeetUp Week #13


Service Itinerary


Worship Singing


“The Lord’s Supper Message” <officiant's name>


Observance/Remembrance of The Lord’s Supper


“Easter Message" <name>


Worship Singing/Prayer Opportunity


Announcements: <name>


Group saying of The Lord’s Prayer [on back of this page]


Questions / Answers time offered following the service

[If in a rented facility please lovingly serve by cleaning the area in any way that you can. 

Role model for others that you serve alongside them without always needing the attention.]



[Program to be printed for your Easter event with your name. 

Let us know and we will help you with this.]

In Truth He Is Risen


Welcome to The Jesus MeetUp Week #13


Service Itinerary


Worship Singing


“The Lord’s Supper Message” <officiant's name>


Observance/Remembrance of The Lord’s Supper


“Easter Message" <name>


Worship Singing/Prayer Opportunity


Announcements: <name>


Group saying of The Lord’s Prayer [on back of this page]


Questions / Answers time offered following the service

[If in a rented facility please lovingly serve by cleaning the area in any way that you can. 

Role model for others that you serve alongside them without always needing the attention.]



“The Lord’s Prayer” By Jesus

Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name.

Your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our bread for tomorrow; refresh our souls with the water of life.

And forgive us every one our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

Save us in temptation, deliver us from evil, and increasingly make us perfect like yourself.

Faith is all that is required!



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